This site was founded because of an idea I had whilst travelling around in a rented VW Camper van. Owning one has been an aim of mine for a few years and I have now achieved that goal (technically this was last year but I have only just published the post!) with a lot of help from my family! Meet Delilah. She’s a 1973, Type 2, air-cooled, bay window camper. She has an original Devon pop-top and, I believe, it is the original Devon interior also. Unfortunately, I have no idea of any resources I can use to verify this.
Her maiden voyage with us was a long trip from Manchester down to the south coast. This was a reasonable 6 hour drive and, I am pleased to report, she ran perfectly with no problems at all!
She does need a little attention here and there but all-in-all, she’s a fine specimen. I may be a little biased though!! The previous owner was very careful with anything he did as she is still in original form. Her interior is original as are most of the rubber seals and equipment. The exterior has had a number of repairs made so I know it is not the original paint. It looks like it might be as it has the retro faded look often associated with original after this much time. Certain panels have been welded in over the top of the original so I think there may be some work required over the next few years. With any luck, my welding skills will develop to a standard where I can tackle this myself.
The plan is to improve her and use her so I am sure there will be a few stories popping up over the years, especially as we have set up a new blog, just for her!! Details coming soon!